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Natalie Brooks
Registered: 10/07/2012   Last Update: 10/07/2012
Born in 1984, Natalie spent all of her childhood years in Kidderminster, North Worcestershire. After completing her GCSE’s and A levels she chose initially to work with horses, so took further study in Equine Science. This proved to be an invaluable choice as the studies involving equine anatomy; comparative anatomy and equine behaviour have greatly influenced the core of her work since.

After taking a few years away from study, Natalie worked at a safari park and again, being able to view animals in that situation on a daily basis is an influence that still shines through in all of her work.

Natalie then decided to go back into education, undertaking a fine art degree at Hereford college of arts, where she refined her technique and spent the time experimenting with materials and moving more to sculptural work rather than painting.

Natalie has now graduated and is living and working in the West Midlands area.


Humans have kept animals throughout history for food, clothing and companionship and have claimed their habitats without guilt. Animals become dependant on humans as a result. Domesticity, compliance and an awkward symbiosis will then occur.

It is this fractured, complicated relationship that compels me to create art. I convey the changing landscape, shaped by domestication, the struggle between the human need for the animal, and the instincts that the animal cannot ignore.

The resulting dependence and how the power shifts is something worth exploring through my work. I choose to use my work to highlight this constant undercurrent that is inherent in all creatures living in proximity to humans. I believe that there really are few truly wild British animals left.