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Naomi C A Wrigglesworth
Registered: 28/10/2010   Last Update: 02/11/2010
I am a freelance artist working in a variety of mediums that best facilitate intended concepts.
I often employ montage and layering methods in my visual, audio and video artwork.

I completed my Fine Art degree and Contemporary Creative practices BA Honours degree with first class passes. I have exhibited my personal project work in various commercial and public venues around the Yorkshire area.
As well as carrying out my personal art practice, I also have positive experience in working to a clients brief, creating products tailored to the specific individual needs and requirements of the client. Some examples are; portraiture where choice of composition ,medium and methods reflect the individual 'personality', and mood of the subject matter. Front cover artwork for international literature magazine, community land art and housing developers photographic advertisement.

Limited addition prints of my artwork are available at www.artsverse.com


I believe alternative awareness and unconventional narratives are obscured by standardised collective norms and fashionable practices within contemporary society.
My artistic enquiry is an attempt to challenge what we think we know, unearth and explore hidden narratives in and around me.
I try to capture some of the enigma and indifferences present in the deviation of what I know to be common experience, without excluding common experience entirely. I endevour to evoke slightly ambiguous ideas that the 'viewer feels both familiar but unfamiliar with.
Some of my work attempts to do this via the exploration of time-narrative.
As humans we possess a chronological and linear comprehension of time. This contributes to defining the appearance and meaning of the activity that takes place within time. I refer to this as two dimensional time space.
I attempt to create new aesthetics and narratives via delineating information within a three dimensional time space. By three dimensional time space I refer to volume that is free from conventional order.
It's concerned with depicting variations of a given information that co-exist alongside the narrative of the two dimensional time space.
In part, this work is concerned with all the differing things that could be said simultaneously using the same information if time was not linear and structured to our current understanding of it. My enquires explore the alternative possibilities of meanings and responses to communicated information based on compensating for what is absent, and re-arranging what is present.

Relative to this some of my recent Sonic art and video work responds to the sophisticated third party communication sources of contemporary society. The work indirectly comments on the transmission flaws of these communication mediums; The camera that missed out crucial action, the text message that never arrived, the email that was sent last Friday but not read until this Wednesday.
I perceive electronic communications as toneless and gateways to misinterpretation. There is always something in the space between the communication source and the receiving source that has potential to alter the initial content of information, or pose a barrier to understanding.

As a society we advance and destroy ourselves, (sometimes in beautiful
ways) In this sense, our antics are not separate from the
natural world , but an extension of it. With genetic modifications and natural
disasters being consequences of such as nuclear testing and CO2 emissions, where does the 'natural' end and the 'man made' begin?
My most recent work has been concerned with indistinct boundaries that define one thing from another. It attempts to evokes questions such as when where and how does wrong become right or organic become man-made. Could beauty exist and survive without ugly, poverty without riches. How do we know such opposites are not the same thing?-what would this mean.