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Ros Callander
Registered: 04/06/2009   Last Update: 05/06/2009
Ros Callander is a professional contemporary Scottish artist. She paints mainly sunset paintings, seascapes and landscapes and her art has been described as “arresting and atmospheric”. Ros occasionally does portraiture, however her main love is nature and it’s influences on her native Scotland. Ros’s work, which is still very affordable, is increasing in popularity, often leading to waiting lists for her commissioned pieces.

Ros's Statement: "For as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed drawing and painting. As a young girl, my passion for horses led me to drawing animals, and from there to drawing children and adults. My favourite mediums by far are acrylics, oils, watercolours and pencil drawings.
I hold a number of group and solo exhibitions throughout the year at various venues, one of which was opened by the (at the time) current Miss UK - Nicola Jolly. This was featured in the local area broadsheet/press. I have exhibited throughout Scotland and also in London, Paris and Berlin. I have had work photographed for Interior Design magazines - the latest of which was the prestigious "Homes & Interiors Scotland" magazine (Issue 43) and "25 Beautiful Homes", leading to a marked increase in interest in my work both in Scotland and throughout the UK.

I now live in the picturesque North East of Scotland, in a small rural coastal village, having previously lived and worked both in London and Southampton.
Being witness to rugged coastal scenery, stunning sunsets, sunrises and the breathtakingly beautiful Aurora is inspiration for many of my paintings, and I love to inject warmth, light and atmosphere into my work.
I feel very privileged to know that a piece of art which I have poured my heart and soul into creating, finds it's own place in the hearts of other people"