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Naomi Renouf
Registered: 05/02/2010   Last Update: 06/02/2010
Naomi Renouf was born and grew up in Jersey. From 1974 until 1978 she studied Art and Education, graduating with a degree from London University. She spent the next few years teaching and travelling to many different parts of the world. Art has always played an important part in her life and she has worked in a variety of different media over the years.

It was only in 2001 that she started to consistently produce work for exhibition. Since then she has exhibited regularly in Jersey, winning several awards for her textile work and has also exhibited in the U.K., U.S.A. and Sweden. She has had her work featured in a number of books and magazines and has also written articles for educational publications.

Most of her work reflects her love of the natural world. In recent years her textile work has developed mainly along two different stylistic routes. The first of these are seascapes and landscapes which owe much to her painting background. The second is a series of work which has developed from pictures made over several years using her own handmade paper as a background. The size became restrictive so she developed a unique way of producing a similar effect on a much larger scale using textiles and acrylic paint. These pieces are more abstract. She has constructed large scale commissions using this technique for The Atlantic Hotel, Jersey and Basel Trust International.