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Anna Knights
Registered: 20/11/2009   Last Update: 20/11/2009
Award winning artist Anna Knights exquisitely captures the vitality of nature through her watercolour paintings.

Anna’s flower, fruit and vegetable paintings are a striking blend of vibrancy, sensuality and skillful composition. She brings a fresh, energetic and contemporary perspective to a beautiful and timeless art form.

Anna lives in the village of Shamley Green in Surrey and grew up in rural West Sussex, surrounded by the lush beauty of the English countryside. Nature inspires her art and her paintings show us its beauty in all its perfection.

With her unusual use of close-up and composition Anna takes a modern and contemporary approach to botanical painting.

Anna is entirely self-taught. Having studied History and Interactive Media at university, Anna began botanical painting in her spare time in February 2006 at the age of 25. Anna exhibited for the first time in June 2007 where she was awarded an RHS Gold Medal and Best Botanical Artist In Show for her series of paintings of the apple tree ‘James Grieve’.

Anna’s work is held in the Shirley Sherwood Collection and the RHS’s Lindley Library collection.